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Senin, 11 Juli 2011

18 Pengertian SERP (Search Engine Result Pages)►► URL :

SERP adalah kependekan dari Search Engine Result Pages yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti Halaman Hasil Pencarian Mesin Pencari. Ketika kita hendak mencari sesuatu halaman web dengan google, seseorang akan memasukan kata kunci dan menekan tombol [search/telusuri] dan setelah itu akan tampil sebuah halaman yang disebut dengan SERP. Pengertian SERP adalah halaman yang berisi hasil pencarian dari suatu kata kunci pada mensin pencari [google, yahoo, bing, dll]. SERP ini bersifat dinamis. Metode yang di pakai Mesin Pencari dalam menampilkan SERP akan berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Disamping itu, setiap mesin pencari juga mempunyai metode rahasia yang berbeda dari Mesin Pencari lainnya. Namun Mesin pencari tetap akan berusaha menampilkan hasil yang se relevan mungkin walau pada kenyataanya terkadang dengan hasil yang tidak relevan atau bahkan tidak di temukan. Mengapa bisa begitu? Lalu bagaimanakah cara mesin pencari dalam menemukan situs dan menampilkannya dalam SERP? Google yang merupakan mesin pencari yang paling banyak digunakan mengatakan:
Suatu situs tidak dapat ditemukan atau tidak tampil di SERP dikarenakan beberapa hal seperti desain web yang tidak sesuai standar w3, halaman web yang tidak terhubung baik dari link ke link di web, Situs sedang tidak tersedia untuk sementara waktu atau sedang down saat mesin pencari melakukan penjelajahan serta banyak hal lain yang menyebabkan suatu halaman web tidak dapat ditemukan dan tidak tampil dalam SERPs
Karena sebab itulah banyak orang memakai sebuah teknik yang bernama SEO agar situs mereka dapat ditemukan oleh mesin pencari dan tampil di urutan teratas pada SERP.

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Judul = Pengertian SERP (Search Engine Result Pages)

Url =

Author = Riloaw. At : 17.42 Senin, 11 Juli 2011 | Comment:18

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18 komentar:

  1. komen balik gan... :)
    gan, ajarin ane tentang SEO dong...

  2. siph gan, tenang aja, beres pokoknya gan. hahahaa

  3. hehe, blog-nya keren gan...
    visit back yah... :D

  4. nice gan
    akhirnya saya tahu butuh SEO agar tampil di SERP

  5. ternyata baru tau kepanjangannnya gan thankslah...

  6. kalau bisa tambahkan lagi penjelasn lengkap soal cara prakteknya gan...

  7. Naikkan rating Anda dengan beriklan di

  8. artikelnya menarik
    senang membacanya serta menambah wawasan
    terimakasih banyak,sukses terus

  9. Schema Creator
    Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
    You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
    If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

  10. Schema Creator
    Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
    You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
    If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

  11. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  12. Schema Creator
    Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
    You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
    If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

  13. Schema Creator
    Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
    You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
    If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

  14. Schema Creator
    Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
    You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
    If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.


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