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Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

1 Open Source Social Networking OXWALL►► URL :

Oxwall is an open source application, built with PHP-MySQL for creating a full-featured social network.
It enables users to create groups, events, blogs or forums, upload photos and videos, comment or tag any content and much more.


With the plugin support, the functionality can be extended easily and thanks to its theming capabilities, the look and feel can be totally customized.
Oxwall comes with a powerful admin panel to control users and every content, see the stats, manage the ads and configure any other detail.
The application is multilingual and well-documented.

Source : websourcedepot

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Post Info :
Judul = Open Source Social Networking OXWALL

Url =

Author = Riloaw. At : 17.36 Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011 | Comment:1

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